Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Merry (late) Christmas! I was just wondering what other people got! I got 2 Project Runway design sets, a sketch pad, colored pencils, Harumika, and tons more! Here is a tip that was going to be posted on Christmas eve but didn't get on!
  26. When designing on a sketch pad express your feelings...
             *If you are mad you might design something that is a fiery red
             *If you are sad you might design a long, loose dress in a pal color like sea-foam green or baby blue
            *If you are excited tye-dye is the pattern I would feel like designing
            *If you feel confused you shouold draw a complicated dress with lots of straps and crazy beads or buttons
             *If you are just plain happy design what you love, if you like flowers design something with flowers, if you like animals design something in animal print, ect.
                                     -Sparky copyright

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tip 25

 25. Here is how to rock your fave pair of jeans!
            *Wear a cute polo t-shirt with a long sleeve under it
            *Wear a funky patterned shirt or sweatshirt
            *Wear a pretty necklace or bracelet
                       -Sparky copyright

Tip 24

We are going to have 2 or 3 tip after this, but then we will be done! :-((
   24. Don't follow a trend, set one! The best trend is no trend! Who cares what's in the magazines and on TV? If you like what you wear and you wear it with confidence, you will set the trend! People will think you look great and go to you for fashion trends. Be spontaneous and always try something new. -Sparky copyright

Tip 23

  23. If you are short or petite wearing a cute miniskirt will make your legs appear longer! I am short for my age and I love miniskirts. Wearing your fave pair of flip-flops with them always look cute! -Sparky copyright

Tip 22

Here is tip 22...
  22. When you are washing and conditioning your hair try not to get very much in to your roots. That is because if you continue doing that eventually your hair will become oily and unhealthy, and who likes that? So if you want your hair to be healthy with a gorgeous shine keep the shampoo and conditioner lower than your roots!  -Sparky copyright

Tip 21

 Here is another tip for today...
  21. In the winter time it is best to wear chunkier accessorries because your clothes will be layered and thicker so your accessorries should match your style! -Sparky copyright

Tip 20

Another tip for today is...
 20. If you want dazzling lips really fast here is how you do it!
         *First add 1 layer of your favorite lip color to add some color
         *Then add some cute sparkly gloss
         *Now add on some stuff that will make your lips super shiny
   If you follow these steps everyday your lip will be moisterized and cute all the time! -Sparky copyright

Tip 19

HEY!! Today is Christmas Eve so we will try to put on lots of tips before tomorrow! Here is our 19th tip...
   19. Set a goal! Whether it is that you want to be able to do something by 2010 or you want to be voted Best Dressed there are always ways to get closer to succeeding your gaol. One of my goals was to be able to design 10 different patterns in 1 month! As long as you try you canget better even if it doesn't work the first time. -Sparky copyright

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tip 18

Hey! Here is one of our last tips...
  18. Here are some things to do when you are bored!
          *Practice your runway strut! Chin up, one hand on your hip, and strike a pose!
          *Design a cool outfit and ask 3 people to be your judges and tell you how they like it!
          *If you are stressed just lay down on your bed or a couch and just relax and listen to your fave tunes!
          *Invite some friends over and just have fun!  ~Sparky copyright

Just Wondering

  Style File was wondering if anyone knew who marked our blog posts (ugh!)? If you are doing it please stop because it makes us feel like we should change the way we work!
If you know who might be doing this please comment on this post!              :( - Style File


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tip 17

Hi! Just in case you are wondering, we are trying to fit in as many tips as possible before Christmas comes! Here is number 17...
 17. I have a book named"All About Me" and I love it! I love this one quiz that test your confidence! It says you that you should be confident with the way you look and that you should not change because of what other people think. Here is one of the questions on the quiz!
   1. Quick~ clasp your hands together. Which thumb is on top?
If your left thumb is on top 
you rely on logic and reason.                                 
You are most confident when          
your decisions are based on                                   
real-world information,
your style is outgoing,
spunky, and bold!                                         

If your right thumb is on top, you trust
in your intuition. You are most
confident when your gut says
you're doing the right thing.
Facts, schmacts! Your style is
usually normal and cute! You
love to add some sass to your
If you think this sounds cool check out "All About Me" by KLUTZ! I love it!  -Sparky copyright

Tip 16

16. When your picking out your clothes,pick the colors that look best on you. If you don't know what looks best on you here are some ideas.

  • Black goes with anything
  • pink goes with green
  • purple also goes with pink
  • nothing goes with orange :) 
Thanks have fun! copyright

Tip 15

Our tip today is...
 15. Christmas is here! Time for some fancy clothes to dress more holiday-ish! Wearing red and green togerther can sometimes make you look like a total nerd! But if you choose red as the actual clothing and green as a color for your accessorries you will look fine!

   Just for fun, here is another tip! 

15. While choosing outfits for Christmas, please, do NOT wear something that consist of a bell!! They just make you seem really immature! And it is kind of emmbarassing walking around and just don't wear them! -Sparky copyright

Monday, December 21, 2009

Tip 14

Our tip today is...
 14. When you are wearing leggings be sure to wear shirts that go past your waist! Here is why:
          *First of all, legging are like tights without feet! Would you go out in public in a tank and tights? The same thing calls for leggings, wear them with skirts, dresses, and tunics!
          *If you wear it with a shirt right a your waist, your hips will appear wider, but if you wear something longer you will appear thinner! -Sparky copyright

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Best Red Carpet Fashions of 2009

Here are some gorgeous dresses that rocked the Red Carpet in 2009! These four stars to risks wearing the courageous dresses, and they pulled it off! -Sparky


Tip 13

Today's tip is...
 13. On a bad hair day or a day you just don't wan't to put much time into your hair you can just put it in a bun! They are easy to do and totally hot right now! -Sparky copyright

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Tip 12

Our tip for today is...
  12. Don't let what other people say about you discourage you. If you are designing something and someone says it's bad don't listen! You have your own personalitiy and what you like might not be what someone else likes, but don't change yourself because of other people!   -Sparky copyright

Friday, December 18, 2009

Tip 11

Today's tip is...
  11. If you are a beginning designer these tips should help you with getting the feel of designing!
         *Start with trying to design something that you have seen someone wearing before...having a good memory is something that will help you later!
         *Work with patterns on clothing templates(you can print them online)!
         *Just express yourself, what do you think is cute, what looks good on you!
                        -Sparky copyright

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tips 9 and 10

Hey, today's tips are...
   9. If you don't know what to wear just think, "what do I look toltally fab in" always works for me!
  10. Do you have times when you can't wear casual, but you don't want to look too dressed up? Here are some ideas on what to wear when that happens!
      *Hoodies are sooo in now, and jeans or courderoys work with hoodies!
      *Wear any kind of shirt with jeans but put on a fancy jacket with cool beads and embroidery!
                   -Sparky  copyright

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tip 8

Today's tip is... 
8.  When your doing your hair go a little fancy. What I mean by that is put a pretty barette or head band in and you'll totally stand out.
-Kaz  Copyright

Monday, December 14, 2009

Tip 7

Today's tip is...
  7. While doing your make-up, only focus on one thing...don't try to make everything perfect!  -Sparky Copyright

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tip 6

The tip for today is....
  6. When you are wearing skirts or dresses you should  wear spandex or shorts under them! Just in case...;)         -Sparky copyright

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tip 5

Our tip today is....
 5. When you are doing your make-up don't try to make everything perfect, focus on 1 part of your face, that means when you are doing your make-up just work on making your eyes or lips stand out!
  -Sparky copyright

Friday, December 11, 2009

Tip 4

Hey!! Today's tip is....
   4. Winter is a more quiet season so most people think to wear mellow colors like black or brown...WRONG!!!  You definitly need to wear bold, exotic colors that will make the boring & silent world around you totally focused on YOU! But of course you should pair it with accessories that are not as exciting!    -Sparky copyright


As you can see its almost Christmas! Well ,why don't you tell us what you would like for Christmas! It is a fun thing to know here at Style File! Just write it to us right here at Style File!-KAZ copyright

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tip 3

Today's tip is...
   Don't wear to much mascara, if you do it will make your eyes look smaller than they really are! -Sparky copyright

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tip 2

Todays tip is...

2. Dont wear 2 patterns in one outfit, it just doesn't work! They will just clash and make you look TERRIBLE! Don't ruin an outfit like that, here are some ideas on how to look totally fab in patterns:
 You could try and get very bright patterns instead of 2 patterns!
 Wear a bold tee-shirt with it, you will look very confident that way!
-Sparky copyright

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

1st day of tips

Today is the first day of putting on tips. Our tip today is...

1. Never EVER EVER get something you know is popular! Get something nobody has, you will look much cuter wearing something extrordinary! Plus, there is a 50% chance someone will be wearing the same thing as you!   -Sparky copyright

Monday, December 7, 2009

Tips, tips, tips

Hello everyone, every day starting tomorroww are going to be putting on cool tips up until Christmas! copyright