Sunday, March 14, 2010


Here are some more tips on how to keep your face looking great and healthy!

   ☻Keep your skin clean. Make sure you pick good quality face and body soaps. Liquids are usually better than bar soaps because they rinse away cleanly. Try not using the popular name brand, most of the time the unknown products are better for your skin, plus they cost less!

   ☻Using alcohol and alcohol-based cleansers may be said to help your skin, but don't use so much! A quick wipe over your face with alcohol on a cotton ball can reduce oil quickly, but too much alcohol can dry your skin and cause irritation.

   ☻Don't use too many products. Despite what some companies may tell you, there is no need for a step by step skin routine. You don't need to plaster your face with product to have good skin. As a matter of fact, it can cause oiliness, irritation or breakouts. Keep it simple, the less you have on your skin, the better it will be.

   ☻Keep makeup to a minimum. Ladies should use as little makeup as possible. In particular, covering the entire face with foundation and concealer is very bad for the skin. Use only what you really need, and be sure to wash it off as soon as possible. And your face is proven to look better without makeup!

   ☻Once a week, take a long hot bath. Don't add any soap or anything to the water. Just soak in the clean water. Place a hot towel over your face as well. The heat and steam will help open pores and release dirt, as well as causing dead cells to fall away, leaving your skin soft and smooth. And anyway, it is very relaxing too!

I saw this article on
 and changed it a little bit so it focuses on your face and makes more sense!! ♥♥♥Sparky♥♥♥

1 comment:

Olive said...

Those r some good tips